Friday, May 1, 2015

The incredible view of Hong Kong harbor from Kowloon...

One of the first things people do in Hong Kong is take the ferry from Central to Kowloon for an inspiring view of the Hong Kong skyline.
Visitors will stare in awe at glittering, sparkling smog that stretches from sea to heaven.  Visitors will be breathless in the face of such an inspiring example of modern humanity's ingenuity.

This view is only matched by looking down on the smog from atop Victoria Peak, far above the city.  Again I was left breathless and my eyes burned and watered.  I can only assume it was from weeping tears at the beauty of the view.

Back across the harbor, even monkeys are inspired by the view of Kowloon skyscrapers from Lion's Rock.

Visitors tired of the urban lifestyle can take the MTR to Lantau island and take a scenic ride into the countryside.  The airport, the harbor and distant hills will be hidden in haze on all sides. Towards the end of the ride, visitors can imagine a giant bronze statue of Buddha that is hidden in the haze below.